Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm Certified!

What could I possibly be certified as when I'm already a certified nutcase?  Ok, so there is no official badge or piece of paper, but enough people hold opinions that I figured it was certifiable enough.

But seriously speaking, I took a Pet First Aid and CPR class yesterday and will receive my certificate in the mail within a couple of weeks.  I have been wanting to do something like this for awhile now, you know, have something on paper to say that I have a mass of knowledge about furkids in my brain-piece so that everyone does not just have to take me on faith.  Because of course this certificate will prove that my knowledge of rat mucus is, in all honesty, true.  Ha!

Lucky for me, Bill was not too upset to find out that rescue breathing and CPR from human to dog is not mouth-to-mouth but mouth-to-nose. It seems as if he's always trying to get his tongue in, or very close to our mouths.  Ewww. (We love him, just not his mouth yuckies in ours.)

This class was also the first step towards becoming a certified NDART volunteer.  That would be National Disaster Animal Response Team.  I have many more steps to go, but I'm itching with excitement!  Or it could be that I over-washed my hair this morning and my scalp is paying for it now.

The night before I stopped by the shelter to explain to one of two people who have some sort of authority and I know fairly well that I have a full-time job in the city and that is why I am never around there any more.  I have no time.  And that I would soon be certified because that's just awesome.  I was surprised I even had time to stop.  It was supposed to be a quick 5-minute visit to see if there is any off-site volunteering I can do and to drop off the bison-and-potato food that Bill and Bailey had rejected several weeks earlier.  There are no short trips to the shelter.  My chat stretched out into a long conversation and I socialized with my fur-buddies for a little while (without actually doing any volunteering).  I even managed to get nicely scratched up on the chest while holding one of the little rascals because I wasn't wearing a proper shirt and he wanted to go see another volunteer (apparently really badly).  For the next few days I get to choose my wardrobe carefully.  But, on a good note I will have plenty of off site volunteering to do!  I've felt very guilting lately now that my job has taken me away from walking dogs and feeding them, cleaning them up, and so forth.  I can't abandon them completely!

Now I just need somebody to buy me a nice sized house with a yard so I can adopt a couple of them...