Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pet Food Buy Out

I recently got a full time job.  This means I don't get to sit around spoiling the dogs all day.

I think Bill is taking this the hardest.  We've caught him peeing indoors a couple of times which is very out of character for him.  Unless he has some sort of bladder infection, we think he's just angry that I'm not home all day for him anymore.  Bailey is just bummed.  When I get home at the end of the day they go bonkers and plaster me to the couch so I can't get up and can only pay attention to them, Lord and Lady Weenie.

When I was unemployed I was able to do all the dog food runs and keep up the dog chores very efficiently.  This past week while filling the food bowl I realized the food bin was pretty much on empty.  I had to make an emergency run to the pet store.

We usually buy their food from a small privately owned store down the street, but I had to run to the chain-store next door which does not carry Evo, which we have been feeding Bill and Bailey.  They love the read meat small bites and it's grain free and chicken free for Bill's allergies.  I bought a couple of flavors of Natural Balance which is another very good brand in the hopes that they'd like one of them.

After awhile they decided they'd eat the duck and potato if we really-seriously-weren't-going-to-give-them-the-good-stuff, but bison and sweet potato has been sorely neglected.  That bag will just have to be donated to the shelter.  I should mention that these dogs are extremely picky eaters.  It took awhile to find Evo and Thank The Lord.

So my dad went to the privately owned pet store yesterday to pick up a bag of Evo to mix with the Natural Balance.  This is a great store because it's locally owned and operated and everything in the store is grain-free.  But my dad couldn't find the Evo!  It turns out Innova who makes Evo has been bought out by Proctor and Gamble.  Proctor and Gamble bought out Iams years ago and completely destroyed the brand.  I don't condone feeding your animals Iams because they have done terrible things in the past which is very unnecessary.  I won't go into detail.  Anyhow, the store offered to order special, but won't carry Innova on its shelves anymore.  Well, we won't buy it anymore, either.  They gave us a bunch of food samples (they are fabulous about that, huge samples, too) to try out on the beasties.  It looks like we're back to square one!