Monday, June 28, 2010

Oscar is Such a Great Name

I check a set few websites on a daily basis, one of course being Cute Overload.  It just would not be a complete day without a proper dose of cute and cuddly.

Sometimes there is a video or article posted that just begs to be passed on (and this goes above and beyond the duckling butts and tap-dancing geese).  For instance, Oscar the Cat.

The first time I watched this video, I did so without sound.  My laptop is normally on silent for various reasons, but I can usually get the gist of videos anyhow.  Watching Oscar get his new feet gave me that feeling deep in my stomach, the one that comes when somebody gets married or your own pet makes it through surgery alright (and yes, I put those two on the same level).

I just watched the video for the second time, this time with sound.  I felt a strong sense of joy and had a smile across my face.  I think I even said an audible "Awwww," but I didn't get the same intense feeling.  I didn't expect it.  It would be like watching the same movie over and over again and expecting to be surprised by the ending each and every time.  But there was a sprinkle of a different happiness that hadn't been there before because this time I heard the veterinarian's voice along with seeing his body language.

It makes me feel warm inside to know we have such proponents of animals out there.  Wouldn't most people just have put the cat down for losing two paws?  This guy gave it new paws!  Even if they do look like the stoppers at the bottom of chairs, they're paws!  (or pawz?)

So go ahead and give the video a peek (and a listen!).  Don't feel ashamed to shed a tear, either.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bring the Heroes Home

Pedigree (the dog food brand) has been very active in promoting the adoption of shelter dogs.  If I weren't already an adopter, the commercials on TV would melt me into one in an instant.

Pedigree's latest video in the campaign, "Heroes," makes me smile especially wide.  I hope the following link works for everyone and not just Facebook users, because it is the only one I could find.  Watch the clip.  It will make you smile, too.


"But do not pity a shelter dog.  Adopt one."

Alright folks.  If I watch that commercial one more time I might cry.  I'm going to go hug my own shelter dogs now.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The 'Potamus Physique

Take a look at this Picture of a hippo.

Then kindly explain to me how it is fair that her doctor is not hounding on her about the risks of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Silly hippos.